In the Islamic faith, angels are considered to be celestial beings created from light. They are believed to be infinite, invisible, and without free will. Their primary duty is to worship Allah and carry out His commands. Among the countless angels, 4 stand out due to their significant roles. Let’s delve into the duties and responsibilities of these 4 main angels in Islam.
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Jibreel (Gabriel) – The Messenger of Revelation
Jibreel is the most distinguished among the angels. He is entrusted with carrying divine revelations from Allah to His chosen prophets. This includes bringing the Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad. Jibreel is also referred to as ‘the Holy Spirit’. He is described in the Qur’an as a noble messenger, possessed of power, secure in position, obeyed in the heavens, and trustworthy.
Mika’il (Michael) – The Provider of Sustenance (Via Allah)
Mika’il is another prominent angel in Islam. He is entrusted with the sustenance of creatures. This includes tasks like bringing forth rain and overseeing the cultivation of crops. His role underscores the belief in divine providence and the sustenance that Allah provides for all His creatures.
Israfil (Raphael) – The Angel of Soor (The Trumpet)
Israfil is the angel who is in charge of blowing the trumpet to signal the Day of Judgment. Although the Qur’an does not mention Israfil by name, he is commonly identified in Islamic tradition. His role serves as a reminder of the Day of Judgment, a fundamental belief in Islam about the afterlife and divine justice.
Azrael – (Angel of Death)
Azrael, also known as the Angel of Death, is responsible for parting the soul from the body. He is tasked with taking each person’s life at the appointed time. His role underscores the Islamic belief in the inevitability of death and the transient nature of life in this world.
The Role of Angels in Islam
Angels play a crucial role in the Islamic faith. They are seen as messengers of Allah, carrying out His commands and serving His will. They are also seen as protectors, guarding believers from harm.
Angels are believed to be constantly in the presence of Allah, praising Him and glorifying His name. They are also tasked with recording the deeds of humans, with two angels assigned to each person – one to record their good deeds and the other to record their bad deeds.
The belief in angels is one of the six pillars of faith in Islam. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of these celestial beings provides insight into the Islamic worldview and the nature of the divine. It underscores the belief in the unseen, the accountability of actions, and the omnipresence of divine will in the life of a Muslim.
Who are the 4 main angels in Islam?
The 4 main angels in Islam are Jibreel (Gabriel), Mika’il (Michael), Israfil (Raphael), and Azrael (Angel of Death).
What are the duties of Jibreel (Gabriel)?
Jibreel is responsible for carrying divine revelations from Allah to His chosen prophets. This includes bringing the Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad.
What are the duties of Mika’il (Michael)?
Mika’il is entrusted with the sustenance of creatures. This includes tasks like bringing forth rain and overseeing the cultivation of crops.
What are the duties of Israfil (Raphael)?
Israfil is in charge of blowing the trumpet to signal the Day of Judgment.
What are the duties of Azrael (Angel of Death)?
Azrael is responsible for parting the soul from the body. He takes the life of each person at the appointed time.
What are the qualities of angels in Islam?
Angels in Islam are created from light, have no free will, are infinite, are invisible, and they tell Allah about the behavior of humans.
How many angels are there in Islam?
Yes, several angels are mentioned by name in the Qur’an, describing their responsibilities.
Do angels have free will in Islam?
No, angels in Islam do not have free will. They are created to worship Allah and carry out His commands.
What is the significance of angels in Islam?
Angels are highly regarded in Islam for their roles as messengers, protectors, recorders, and worshipers of God. Their significance lies in their connection between the divine realm and humanity, serving as a reminder of God’s power, mercy, and the importance of obedience and devotion in the Islamic faith.
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