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Zakat al Fitr (Fitrana)

As the holy month of Ramadan draws to a close, Muslims worldwide prepare to fulfill one of their significant religious duties: Zakat al Fitr, commonly known as Fitrana. This act of charity represents not only a means of helping those in need but also serves as a spiritual purification for the giver. In this blog, we will explore the essence, importance, and process of Fitrana.

What is Fitrana?

Fitrana, or Zakat al-Fitr, is an obligatory form of charity in Islam, required from every eligible Muslim before the celebration of Eid al-Fitr. It is a token of gratitude and obedience to Allah, ensuring that the less fortunate can also enjoy the festivities of Eid.

The Spiritual Essence of Fitrana

Fitrana is more than just a charitable contribution; it is a form of worship and a means of purifying the fasting individual from any errors or omissions made during the month of Ramadan. It reflects the Islamic principles of compassion, empathy, and social justice.

The Importance of Fitrana

The giving of Fitrana carries profound significance:

  • Spiritual Purification: It cleanses the fasting person from minor sins and lapses.
  • Solidarity and Compassion: It strengthens the bonds of brotherhood and empathy within the Muslim community.
  • Celebrating Eid: It ensures that all community members, regardless of their financial status, can celebrate Eid al-Fitr.

Who Must Pay Fitrana?

Fitrana is obligatory for every Muslim, whether male or female, minor or adult as long as they have the means to do so. It is expected to be paid by the head of the household for each member of the family.

When Should Fitrana be Paid?

Fitrana should be given before the Eid al-Fitr prayers, ideally in the last few days of Ramadan. This ensures that the needy can use the Fitrana for their Eid celebrations.

How Much is Fitrana?

The amount of Fitrana is not fixed and can vary based on the local cost of living. It is often equated to the cost of a basic foodstuff (like wheat or barley) sufficient for one day’s meals for one person. As per the current understanding, the amount is approximately $5 per person.

How is Fitrana Calculated?

Fitrana is calculated based on the price of a staple food such as flour or rice. One traditional measure used is the ‘saa’, equivalent to four ‘madd’. A ‘madd’ is the amount that can be scooped up when one puts their hands together.

Distribution of Fitrana

Fitrana should be distributed directly to the poor or through reputable organizations that ensure it reaches the needy in time for Eid. It can be given in the form of food or money, depending on what is more beneficial for the recipients.


Zakat al Fitr (Fitrana) is a beautiful tradition that encapsulates the spirit of Ramadan. It is a reminder for Muslims to remain conscious of their social responsibilities and to share their blessings with those less fortunate. As we approach Eid al-Fitr, let us fulfill this obligation with generosity and pure intention, hoping for acceptance from Allah and the betterment of society.


Why is Zakat al Fitr paid?
The main purpose of Zakat al-Fitr is to provide for the poor so that they can celebrate the festival of breaking the fast (`Eid al-Fitr) along with the rest of the Muslims.

Can Zakat al Fitr be paid late?
Zakat al Fitr should ideally be paid before the Eid prayer. If someone forgets or is unable to pay on time, it should be paid as soon as possible as it is still considered a debt owed to the poor.

Can Zakat al-Fitr be given in money?
While traditionally given in the form of food, many scholars allow for its equivalent value to be given in money, which is then used to buy food for the needy.

Who are the recipients of Zakat al Fitr?
The recipients are the poor and needy, those who are eligible to receive Zakat.

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