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Zakat in Islam - All You Need to Know

Zakat, a fundamental pillar of Islam, holds profound significance in the lives of Muslims worldwide. It’s a form of obligatory charity aimed at assisting the less fortunate and strengthening the social fabric of society. Here’s a comprehensive blog on Zakat in Islam:

Understanding Zakat in Islam

Zakat, derived from the Arabic word ‘zakah,’ meaning purification or growth, represents giving a portion of wealth to those in need. It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, emphasizing social responsibility and economic equality.

Purpose and Importance

  1. Social Justice: Zakat ensures the equitable distribution of wealth, reducing poverty and inequality within the community.
  2. Spiritual Cleansing: It purifies one’s wealth and fosters gratitude, humility, and empathy towards others.
  3. Fulfillment of Religious Obligation: It demonstrates obedience to Allah’s command and strengthens faith through selfless giving.


The amount of wealth that makes one for Zakat is called Nisaab. For example, the Nisaab of gold and Silver settled by Hazrat Muhammad(SAW) is as per the following:

Zakat in Islam Calculator:

  • Gold 87.48 Gram 7.50Tolas 1350 Grains 2.8125Troy Oz.
  • Silver 612.36 Gram 52.50Tolas 9450 Grains and 19.6875 Troy Oz.

So, Nisaab of money, stock, bonds, and other money resources is the proportionate measure of Gold or Silver. Nisaab is ascertained by including the money estimation of the considerable number of advantages, for example, gold, Silver, coin, and so on. and if it is equivalent to or in the abundance of the base Nisaab as determined in the above table, the Zakat is expected at the rate of 2.5%.

Types of Wealth on which Zakat in Islam is compulsory

Zakat in Islam is obligatory on specific types of wealth that reach a certain threshold known as Nisab. The categories of wealth on which Zakat is compulsory include:

  1. Gold and Silver: Zakat applies to gold and silver assets held for one full Islamic lunar year, provided they reach the Nisab threshold.
  2. Cash and Savings: Money kept in savings, checking accounts, cash reserves, or investments for one year, surpassing the Nisab limit, is subject to Zakat.
  3. Business Profits: Profits earned from businesses, including merchandise, inventory, and any assets intended for trade, if their value reaches the Nisab threshold.
  4. Agricultural Produce: Crops and produce grown on agricultural land, once the yield meets the Nisab criteria after deducting production costs.
  5. Livestock and Cattle: Zakat applies to specific types of livestock or cattle owned for grazing or trade, provided they meet or exceed the Nisab threshold.

These assets are subject to Zakat if their value remains above the Nisab threshold after deducting essential expenses and debts. Zakat, calculated at 2.5% of the total value, aims to assist the needy and ensure equitable distribution of wealth within society.

Types of Wealth on which Zakat in Islam is not compulsory

In Islam, certain types of wealth are exempt from Zakat. Here are categories of wealth on which Zakat is not compulsory:

  1. Personal Residence: The primary residence or home you live in is not subject to Zakat, regardless of its value or size.
  2. Personal Use Items: Personal belongings such as clothing, furniture, vehicles used for personal transportation, and other household items meant for personal use are exempt from Zakat.
  3. Fixed Assets for Long-Term Use: Assets like real estate properties, land, and buildings that are not intended for sale or trade and are held for long-term personal use are not subject to Zakat.
  4. Fixed Business Assets: Assets utilized for business purposes, such as machinery, equipment, and property used exclusively for business operations rather than trade, are not subject to Zakat.
  5. Items Not Acquired for Investment or Trade: Possessions like jewelry or valuables intended for personal use and not acquired for investment or trade are exempt from Zakat.
  6. Non-Zakatable Income: Inheritances, gifts, or funds received that do not reach the Nisab threshold or aren’t held for a complete lunar year are not subject to Zakat.

Recipients of Zakat

Zakat beneficiaries, as outlined in the Quran, include:

  • The Poor and Needy: Those with insufficient means to meet their basic needs.
  • The Destitute: Individuals without any resources or income.
  • Debtors: Those burdened with debts beyond their capacity.
  • Wayfarers: Travelers stranded or in need of assistance.
  • Those in the Path of Allah: Individuals striving for Allah’s cause.

Impact of Zakat

  1. Poverty Alleviation: Zakat plays a pivotal role in addressing poverty, and providing sustenance and support to marginalized communities.
  2. Community Welfare: It fosters a sense of communal responsibility, solidarity, and compassion.
  3. Empowerment: Zakat contributes to economic empowerment by assisting individuals in overcoming financial hurdles and becoming self-sufficient.

Significance in Contemporary Society

In modern times, various Islamic organizations and governmental bodies collect and distribute Zakat to ensure it reaches the deserving recipients. Technology has facilitated the process, allowing for efficient collection and transparent distribution.


Zakat serves as a cornerstone of Islamic principles, promoting social welfare, economic balance, and spiritual growth. Its practice underscores the importance of compassion, generosity, and societal harmony, encouraging Muslims to contribute to the betterment of their communities and fulfill their religious obligations.


1. What is Zakat in Islam?

Zakat is an obligatory form of almsgiving and charity in Islam. It’s the Fourth pillar of Islam and involves giving a portion of one’s wealth to those in need.

2. Who is obligated to pay Zakat?

Muslims who possess wealth or assets that reach the Nisab threshold (a minimum level of wealth) and have owned them for a complete lunar year are required to pay Zakat.

3. What is the purpose of Zakat?

Zakat serves multiple purposes, including the purification of one’s wealth, the alleviation of poverty, the fostering of social welfare, and the promotion of economic equality within the community.

4. What types of wealth are subject to Zakat?

Zakat is obligatory on various forms of wealth, including cash savings, gold, silver, business profits, agricultural produce, and certain types of livestock or cattle.

5. How is Zakat calculated?

Zakat is typically calculated at a rate of 2.5% (or 1/40th) of one’s Zakatable wealth that has reached or exceeded the Nisab threshold after deducting essential expenses and debts.

6. Who are the eligible recipients of Zakat?

The Quran specifies eight categories of recipients eligible to receive Zakat, including the poor, the needy, debtors, those in the path of Allah, and others in need.

7. Can Zakat be given to family members?

Zakat cannot be given to one’s direct descendants or descendants, including parents, grandparents, children, and grandchildren. However, it can be given to other relatives in need or eligible recipients.

8. When is Zakat obligatory?

Zakat becomes obligatory on wealth that reaches the Nisab threshold and has been in one’s possession for a full Islamic lunar year.

9. Can Zakat be paid in advance?

Yes, Zakat can be paid in advance, especially if one wants to distribute it at a later time within the same Islamic year.

10. Can Zakat be given in non-monetary forms?

Yes, besides monetary forms, Zakat can be given in the form of food, clothing, or any other asset of value that falls within the Zakatable categories and is beneficial for the recipients.

11. Is Zakat obligatory on income?

Zakat is generally not obligatory on regular income unless it reaches the Nisab threshold and remains in one’s possession for a full lunar year.

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